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Jokabet Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy explains how cookies are used on our website, what they are, and why they are essential for enhancing your browsing experience. By understanding our policy, you can make informed decisions regarding your privacy and the data collected during your visit.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files placed on your device when you visit a website. They play a crucial role in providing a seamless user experience, enabling websites to remember your preferences and actions over time. These files can store a variety of information, such as login details, language preferences, and other settings that make your interaction with the website more efficient.

Cookies are utilised by websites to improve functionality, performance, and user experience. They help in customising content, keeping track of user sessions, and providing relevant advertisements. Understanding how these files work can empower you to manage your privacy effectively.

  • Session Cookies: These are temporary and are deleted once you close your browser. They help in remembering your actions during a single browsing session.
  • Persistent Cookies: These remain on your device until they expire or you delete them. They are used to remember your preferences across multiple sessions.
  • First-party Cookies: Set by the website you are visiting, these cookies ensure the proper functioning of the site.
  • Third-party Cookies: These are set by external domains and are often used for tracking and advertising purposes.
  • Secure Cookies: A type of cookie that is only sent over secure (HTTPS) connections to enhance security.

Different types of cookies serve various purposes. For instance, session cookies are essential for managing your login state, while persistent cookies help retain your site preferences. Understanding these distinctions is key to managing your online privacy.

Moreover, some cookies are necessary for the website’s functionality, while others are used to track user behaviour. The latter can be blocked without affecting your browsing experience. However, disabling necessary cookies might limit certain functionalities on the site.

How We Use Cookies

Our website utilises cookies to provide a better user experience. These cookies are integral to the functionality of our services, enabling features such as remembering your login status and customising your browsing experience based on previous interactions. Without these cookies, some parts of the website may not function correctly.

The cookies we deploy help in understanding user preferences, enabling us to tailor our content and services accordingly. They also assist in measuring the effectiveness of our online campaigns, ensuring that you receive relevant advertisements and offers that cater to your interests.

Cookie TypePurposeDuration
Session CookiesMaintain user sessionsUntil browser is closed
Persistent CookiesRemember user preferencesVaries by cookie
First-party CookiesEssential for site functionalityVaries by cookie
Third-party CookiesUsed for tracking and advertisingVaries by cookie
Secure CookiesEnhance security over HTTPSVaries by cookie

Understanding how we use cookies can help you make informed decisions about your privacy. While we strive to provide the best user experience, we also respect your right to manage cookies according to your preferences.

By continuing to use our website, you agree to the use of cookies as outlined in this policy. However, you have the option to disable or delete cookies at any time through your browser settings. Doing so may affect your ability to use certain features of our site, but it will not prevent you from accessing the main content.

Managing cookies is a vital part of maintaining your online privacy. Most modern browsers offer several ways to control how cookies are stored and used. You can delete existing cookies, block new ones from being set, or choose to accept only certain types. By adjusting your browser settings, you can tailor your cookie preferences to suit your privacy needs.

Different browsers provide different methods for managing cookies. It’s essential to familiarise yourself with the options available in your browser to make the most informed decisions about your cookie settings. Blocking or deleting cookies can enhance your privacy but may also restrict some functionalities of the websites you visit.

  • Google Chrome: Access cookie settings by clicking the three dots in the top right corner, then select “Settings” > “Privacy and security” > “Cookies and other site data.”
  • Mozilla Firefox: Open the menu by clicking the three lines in the top right corner, then go to “Settings” > “Privacy & Security” > “Cookies and Site Data.”
  • Safari: Click on “Safari” in the menu bar, then select “Preferences” > “Privacy” to manage cookie settings.
  • Microsoft Edge: Access cookie settings by clicking the three dots in the top right corner, then select “Settings” > “Privacy, search, and services” > “Cookies and other site data.”
  • Opera: Open the menu by clicking the Opera logo in the top left corner, then go to “Settings” > “Advanced” > “Privacy & security” > “Site Settings” > “Cookies and site data.”

Understanding how to manage cookies on your browser can help you maintain your privacy while browsing the web. It’s important to review and update your cookie preferences regularly, especially if you notice changes in your browsing experience.

In addition to browser settings, you can use third-party tools to manage cookies. These tools offer more advanced options for blocking or deleting cookies, allowing for greater control over your online privacy. However, it’s essential to use reputable tools to avoid potential security risks.

Types of Cookies We Use

We utilise various types of cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Each type serves a different purpose, from ensuring the website functions correctly to providing personalised content. By understanding the types of cookies we use, you can make informed decisions about your privacy settings and how your data is managed.

Cookies can be classified into several categories, each with a distinct function. These categories include necessary cookies, performance cookies, functional cookies, and targeting cookies. Each type plays a crucial role in delivering a seamless user experience and ensuring that our website meets your expectations.

Type of CookieDescriptionExample
Necessary CookiesEssential for the operation of our websiteSession management
Performance CookiesTrack website performance and usageGoogle Analytics
Functional CookiesRemember your preferences and choicesLanguage settings
Targeting CookiesUsed for personalised advertisingAd tracking
Secure CookiesEnhance security for sensitive transactionsHTTPS only

Understanding the different types of cookies can help you make more informed decisions about your privacy. Necessary cookies are crucial for the website’s functionality, while performance cookies help us improve the user experience. Functional cookies enhance your interaction with the site, and targeting cookies ensure you receive relevant advertisements.

Managing these cookies according to your preferences is essential for maintaining your privacy while using our website. You can adjust your cookie settings at any time, ensuring that you are comfortable with how your data is being used.


What are cookies, and why are they important?
Cookies are small text files stored on your device to enhance your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and actions.
Can I block or delete cookies?
Yes, you can manage cookies through your browser settings. Blocking or deleting cookies may impact your browsing experience.
How do cookies affect my privacy?
Cookies can store personal information, which may be used for tracking or advertising purposes. Managing your cookie settings can help protect your privacy.
Are cookies safe?
Most cookies are safe and are used to improve your browsing experience. However, some cookies may be used for tracking, which you can manage through your browser settings.
What types of cookies does this website use?
We use various types of cookies, including necessary, performance, functional, and targeting cookies, each serving a different purpose.
How can I manage my cookie preferences?
You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings or use third-party tools to block or delete cookies.
Will disabling cookies affect my browsing experience?
Disabling cookies may limit certain functionalities of the website but will not prevent you from accessing the main content.